Madrid Impacta Award

The Madrid Impacta award promotes the consolidation of social enterprises and the development of new social entrepreneurship projects


The Madrid Impacta award is one of the Madrid City Council's lines of recognition for social entrepreneurship.

Its purpose is to financially and socially support business projects with a real measurable impact promoted by entrepreneurs and social companies that, through a specific economic activity, address detected problems that society is facing and, especially, groups at risk. of exclusion or social or economic vulnerability and provide solutions to mitigate or prevent such problems.

They also focus on highlighting the fundamental role of Madrid as a city that promotes initiatives that combine the entrepreneurial spirit with social value, innovative projects and job generators, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Other objectives of the award are to make impact entrepreneurship known to society and its importance in finding solutions to social and environmental problems not solved by traditional companies, to mediate in the connection between these companies and social impact investors and to stimulate the investment of social impact in the city of Madrid.

For the implementation and development of this call, the Madrid City Council has the collaboration of Impact Hub Madrid, PwC Spain, IBMREPSOL Foundation  and Crisalion Mobility. All entities are part of the jury.

Conoce la composición del jurado del premio Madrid Impacta 2024. (Decreto de 20 de junio de 2024 de la Delegada del Área de Gobierno de Economía, Innovación y Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Madrid).

Check here the complete bases of the call. 

If you have any questions, send us an email to and we will answer you as soon as possible. 

First fase: una vez valoradas las solicitudes presentadas se publica el listado definitivo de las 50 candidaturas seleccionadas.

Participation Requirements

Companies that meet the following requirements may participate:

  • Be SME.
  • Have any of the following legal forms:
    • Physical persons: individual or self-employed entrepreneur, limited liability entrepreneur, communities of property and civil companies.
    • Legal persons: public limited company, limited company, new company limited company, labor limited company, cooperatives and associations that carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.
  • Have started your business activity from the January 1, 2019.
  • To have issued billing for the project for which the award is submitted.
  • Have a social entrepreneurship project:
    • Original, creative, disruptive and innovative, with or without a technological base.
    • Oriented to respond to complex situations.
    • With a positive impact that generates an economic benefit for the business and also for society as a whole.
    • Measurable, characterized by developing new products or services, identifying new customer segments, alleviating shortage problems in any sector (health, food, housing or similar), implementing automation and digitalization of traditional sectors, training in digital and technological skills or Similar.
    • With a prototype of a product or service tested in the market with already measured or measurable results.
  • Have a methodology oriented to measurement of social impact and degree of mitigation or resolution of the problem or need that is intended to be solved.
prize endowment

The total endowment of this edition is €50,000, with the following breakdown:

  • First prize to the “Social Company of the Year 2024”, financially endowed with €12,000.
  • Second prize to the “Social Company of the Year 2024”, financially endowed with 6,500 euros.
  • Third award to the “Social Company of the Year 2024”, financially endowed with 4,000 euros.
  • 11 second prizes, financially endowed with €2,500 each of them, in the following categories:
    1. Social entrepreneur in the young category, where the youth of the entrepreneur will be valued.
    2. Best Madrid social entrepreneurship project.
    3. Social company of the entrepreneurship and innovation centers of the Madrid City Council.
    4. Social enterprise with the best elevator pitch.
    5. Social company with the greatest potential for growth and international projection.
    6. Social enterprise with the greatest environmental impact.
    7. Social company with the greatest impact on the universal accessibility of cities.
    8. Social enterprise with the best project in the field of clean energy.
    9. Social enterprise with the best project in the scientific/technological field.
    10. Social enterprise with the best project in the field of well-being and health.
    11. Social enterprise with the best project in the field of education.


In addition, the winning companies will receive in kind different contributions from sponsors:

  • Impact Hub Madrid: two Breathe in memberships Impact Hub for each of the three winning companies of the “Social Company of the Year 2024” award for six months and six months of free Conecta Digital membership (connection to a global community with which you can interact both in Madrid and in more than 100 cities in the world) for each of the eleven companies that won the second prize.
  • PwC Spain: eight weeks of mentoring related to the key aspects for growth for the company that won the first prize “Social Company of the Year 2024”, developed by professionals from PwC's High Growth Companies area.
  • IBM: Access to the “Startup with IBM” program with IBM Cloud credits for more than 100 services for 12 months with expert coaching sessions for the three companies that won the “Social Enterprise of the Year 2024” award.
  • REPSOL Foundation: six months of monitoring and specialized mentoring with experts in multiple disciplines for the company that won the second prize for “Social company with the best project in the field of clean energy.”
  • Crisalion Mobility: will provide the company that wins the first prize “Social Company of the Year 2024” with 10 hours of mentoring from its steering committee.
Valuation criteria

The evaluation criteria that the jury will use to select the finalist projects will be those listed below, in order of priority:

  • Created social project and its capacity to provide real solutions to complex situations or situations of special social and economic vulnerability (maximum of 20 points).
  • Origin of the idea, evolution and actions carried out by the promoters to implement the project in such a way that it contributes to solving the problems detected at the origin (maximum of 10 points).
  • Importance of the need it covers. Your ability to solve a significant and unmet problem in the market will be evaluated, offering a unique and scalable solution that positively impacts society. (maximum 10 points).
  • Income and billing plan carried out by the project submitted for the award (maximum 10 points).
  • Motivation and degree of commitment of the promoter or promoters as key elements for promoting their impact initiative, as well as their academic training, as long as it is linked to the field of social entrepreneurship (maximum 10 points).
  • Future growth strategy. Elements of the project that favor its reproduction on a larger scale (maximum of 10 points).
Presentation of applications

Applications must be submitted, along with the required documentation, in the Registry of the Madrid City Council:

The legal persons, entities without legal personality and other subjects bound by article 14.2 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, are required to submit the application by electronic means.

  • in person, in the registry offices of the Madrid City Council. They may also be presented through the other forms provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

The deadline for submitting applications has ended.

Documentation to present

To the request for participation must be attached 2 independent documents according to the following specifications:

impact project

Written in Spanish and with an extension of between 5 and 8 pages. Pick up mandatory information about The next points:

  • Sector of economic activity of the project.
  • Detection of the challenge, opportunity, problem or other motivational element.
  • Identification of the intended social impact.
  • Identification of the degree of innovation of the project.
  • Sustainability management model.
  • Scalability and replicability.
  • Action plan.
  • Start date of activity or new line of business, as appropriate.
  • Schedule that reflects the evolution of billing.


Identification of the promoting team

A brief summary will be provided, in Spanish, of the person or each of the promoters of the project that summarizes the trajectory or trajectories as agents of social change, and that refers to motivation and commitment, individual or group.

Reference may be made to the academic training of the promoters if it is related to the field of social entrepreneurship. 

Prize Phases:

Primera fase: presentación y selección de candidaturas. Publicado el listado de las 50 candidaturas seleccionadas.

Social entrepreneurship companies interested in participating in this call must complete the corresponding application, which can be downloaded at Electronic headquarters of the Madrid City Council:  Application for participation in the Madrid Impacta 2024 award and present it in the Registry of the Madrid City Council. We remind you that legal entities are required to submit the application by electronic means.

During the application process you must  attach the impact project and the identification of the promoting team , with the characteristics detailed in the participation bases.

At the end of the application submission period, they will be analyzed and, based on the criteria established in the bases, the 50 companies that will move on to the next phase will be selected.

Publicados los listados definitivos de candidaturas admitidas and of candidaturas excluidas

Published on list of the 50 selected candidates

Segunda fase: presentación del proyecto ante el jurado. El elevator pitch los días 26 y 27 de septiembre.

Los días 26 y 27 de septiembre se convocará a las 50 empresas finalistas para realizar una breve presentación (elevator pitch) before the jury, lasting five minutes maximum. This presentation is not public, but individual for candidates.

The jury may ask questions at the end of the presentation in order to clarify any doubts that may arise.

Subsequently, the jury, taking into account the assessment criteria and the exhibition carried out, will nominate 3 companies to compete for the 3 “Social Company of the Year 2024” awards and 3 companies for each of the 11 second prizes. The nominations will be announced at the Award ceremony.

Tercera fase: ganadores y entrega de los premios. Gala de entrega de premios el 16 de octubre.

El 16 de octubre tendrá lugar la gala de entrega del premio Madrid Impacta 2024, un acto público al que acudirán las 50 empresas seleccionadas y se dará a conocer el fallo del jurado.

The finalist companies and winners of the first, second and third prize “Social Company of the Year 2024” and the finalist companies and winners of each of the 11 second prizes will be named.


Winners of previous editions

1st edition

First prize in cash of 20,000 euros for Announcements in Sign Language SL

Second prize in cash of 4,000 euros for Escuelab Educational Innovation SL 

See news: Comunicados and Escuelab, winners of the MAD+ 2017 Awards

2nd edition

First prize in cash of 20,000 euros for Urban Data Eye  

Second prize in cash of 4,000 euros for SoulEM

See news: Urban Data Eye and Soulem winners of the MAD+ Awards 2018

third edition

First prize in cash of 20,000 euros for sepia 

Second prize in cash of 4,000 euros for SileNole 

See news: Sepiia wins the MAD+ 2019 Award

4th edition

Prize of 8,000 euros for Tucuvi 

Prize of 8,000 euros for Sycai for AI MedAssist 

Prize of 8,000 euros for Aitenea Biotech

See news: Tucavi Car, Sycai Technologies and Aitenea Biotech win the Madrid Impacta 2020 award

sixth edition

Winning company and finalists:

The 13 second prizes summoned in this edition, with an endowment of 2,000 euros each, were:

  1. “Youngest Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur”, IDEST ADVISORY, SL with the project TELCO.
  2. “Best project Silver”, I PREFER AT HOME, SLL.
  3. “Best Madrid social entrepreneurship project”, TALENT ON WHEELS, SL with the project DISCOVERING TALENT.
  4. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the technological field”, INROBICS SOCIAL ROBOTICS, SLL with the project INROBICS.
  5. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the field of innovation”, THE PREDICTIVE COMPANY, SL.
  6. “Best social entrepreneurship project with the greatest international projection”, CRUXCLIMB, SL with the project LIME TACO.
  7. “Social entrepreneurship with the best andlevator pitch", for FUTURAL TOURISM, SL with the project REMOTE VILLAGES.
  8. “Best social entrepreneurship project hosted in the network of business incubators of the Madrid City Council”, BLOCKCHAIN CUSTOMS TECHNOLOGY, SL with the project USYNCRO.
  9. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the field of well-being and health”, MEDEA WELLBEING, SL with the project MEDEA MIND.
  10. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the field of education”, U4I TALENT AND INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES, SL with the project U4IMPACT.
  11. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the field of clean energy”, CLOSEBATTERY LOGISTICS, SL with the project FULL&FAST.
  12. “Best social entrepreneurship project with the greatest impact in cities”, ECOMETER MEASUREMENTS, SL.
  13. “Best social entrepreneurship project in the field of environmental impact”, FOREST BANK CARBON FOOTPRINT, SL with the project FOREST BANK.

Here you can check the complete news

7th edition
  • Second prize Social entrepreneur in young categoryGLOOP
  • Second prize Best Madrid social entrepreneurship project: LOOK WARNING
  • Second prize Social enterprise of the innovation and entrepreneurship centers of the General Directorate of Entrepreneurship:  ORYGEN
  • Second prize Social company with the best project in the field of well-being and health: EAN-SCHOOL OF NATURAL ACTIVITIES
  • Second prize Social company with the best project in the field of education: PLOTTING
  • Second prize Social enterprise with the best elevator pitch:  LIIGHT
  • Second prize Social company with the greatest potential for growth and international projection: HEURISTIK
  • Second prize Social company with the greatest environmental impact: SEKOND
  • Second prize Social company with greatest impact in cities: PARK4DIS
  • Second prize Social enterprise with the best project in the field of clean energy: SUSTEIN
  • Second prize Social company with the best project in the scientific/technological field: SATURN LABS