Madrid Fashion Tech, fashion and technology at the Vivero de Puente de Vallecas


Last Thursday, October 23, the parade took place Madrid Fashion Tech in the Vivero de Empresas from Puente de Vallecas.

This is the first fashion show organized in Madrid that, in addition to the collections and their designers, has featured new technologies in the fashion sector.

They opened Madrid Fashion Tech, Carmen Perez from Madrid Emprende (Deputy General Director of Entrepreneurs and SMEs), and Angel Asensio, President of ASECOM (Association of Clothing and Fashion Companies), accompanied by the director of the Puente de Vallecas NurseryEmilio Martinez, and with the presence of the councilor of the Puente de Vallecas DistrictEva Duran.

Ángel Asensio stressed that "fashion has to be in new technologies", while Carmen Pérez valued the collaboration of the City Council and Madrid Emprende with companies and civil society organizations, as exemplified by the Puente de Vallecas Nursery, which It is the center of the Nursery Network specialized in the fashion sector, and is managed by ASECOM.

They then intervened Dresscovery, a smartphone app that allows you to identify and buy a bag that you have taken a photo of; Digital Dive, a company that develops all types of interactive 3D applications, and that offers a service that allows you to see how a dress that has not yet been created will look; fashion ecommerce The TV Closet; Y The Shopping Stage, an app that allows you to buy products from a fashion event, or even from anywhere in the world watching the event via streaming.

After the interventions, prestigious brands with a certain track record paraded, which prominently use new technologies as the main communication or sales channel, such as The TV Closet, the dress rental portal The cutest, or jewelry signature Alexandra Silver; as well as entrepreneurial firms closely linked to Madrid and the Puente de Vallecas Nursery, such as Lacambra, leather accessories brand, or women's fashion brands An&Lee either Samarhe.

  • You can see the video of the event that Ágora News streamed here:
  • You have a photo album of Madrid Fashion Tech, by photographer Rafael Carlevaris, here:
  • And more information about the companies that participated in the event here: