Demo Day of the High Potential Projects Accelerator


– A jury of experts and investors selected the five winning projects of the third call of the Accelerator
– The projects accelerated in the second call of the program presented their business plans
It has been held in the Vivero de Empresas from Carabanchel the DemoDay of the High Potential Projects Accelerator of Madrid Emprende, a service to support companies in their development phase that need to grow and expand as fast as possible.
At the event, the ten finalist projects out of the 63 received presented their business idea – share4live, Reviball, The swimming pool website, health adviser, Advippp, ketekelo, pulsesecurity, BioFitBox, Vehway and Fabulist Travel – Before a jury made up of Business Angels (Investment Funds and private investors).
From them, five were the selected projects to settle in the accelerator in the third call of the program and thus receive mentoring and specialized training according to the needs of your project:

The five startups that have been incubated over the last five months in the second Accelerator Program also presented their projects to experts and investors:

  • mingles, new way to practice languages
  • flip ship, website optimization,
  • Becash, scholarship comparator that helps students around the world
  • Deexme , calendar always synchronized updated and complete
  • Madaish, community of fashionistas

Madrid Emprende, for the development of this program, has the collaboration of Cink Undertakes, as responsible for the implementation of the acceleration methodology, IBM through its World Entrepreneur program (IBM Global Entrepreneur) and Sabadell Bank, with personalized advice.
Query here the complete photo gallery.