Madrid Emprende present again at Event ENTÉRATE to guide future entrepreneurs


Entérate event, the meeting between young professionals and training, guidance and entrepreneurship entities, took place at the Hotel Miguel Ángel in Madrid.
During the day, attendees had the opportunity to receive guidance from great professionals divided into four large areas: training area, undertake area, participate area and employment area.
Entérate wanted to cover the guidance and advice of all professional profiles during the Conference itself, whether it be Economics and Business, Engineering, Communication, Sciences, Humanities, Health, Education or Legal Sciences.
Madrid Emprende has been present through a stand in which its advisers have offered guidance throughout the day on the programs, projects and entrepreneurship grants offered by the Madrid City Council, to empower and help young professionals who want to start their adventure as entrepreneurs.
In addition, those interested have been able to enjoy workshops and presentations, in which industry leaders shared their experience and vision on the field of technology, employment, training and entrepreneurship. All this complemented with a networking environment.
The Battle of Entrepreneurs was also held, where future professionals had to prove their worth by solving an mcommerce problem, raised by D'Original.