Moratalaz Nursery Acceleration Program

The VI edition of the Moratalaz incubator business acceleration program has been called

The program Moratalaz promotes is a set of actions and training that we design specifically for your business. Through this program, the business incubator puts at your disposal a team of expert consultants who will analyze the situation of your business, identify your objectives and develop a specific program that They will help you implement during the next 4 months of the program.

What we offer?

The selected projects will benefit from a specific program, completely free, which lasts 4 months, and includes the following services.

Diagnosis of your business

Definition of objectives

Action plan



Continuous advice with expert


Presentation to investors

Registration deadline

Del 01/07/2024 hasta 16/09/2024

free registration

    Company data:

    Company representative:

    Attach executive summary

    (max. two pages) *
    Allowed file types: PDF
    Maximum file size: 5MB

    Protection of personal data: BASIC INFORMATION

    The data collected will be incorporated and processed in the activity of “COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP”, responsibility of the General Directorate of Entrepreneurship, located at Calle Príncipe de Vergara, 140, with the purpose of advising, promoting and supporting the creation and consolidation of new companies, as well as training entrepreneurs and businessmen with conferences, workshops and other networking activities of special interest to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Data processing is legitimized by the consent of the interested parties. The data may not be transferred to third parties except in the cases provided for in current regulations on the protection of personal data. Data Protection Delegation:

    * I agree that my personal data is collected and processed. Additional Information: Privacy Policy
