10 smart city projects selected to enter the Madrid Smart Lab


  • Starting in January, the finalists of the startup acceleration program organized by Ferrovial and Madrid Emprende will settle in the La Vaguada incubator, where they will be provided with the necessary support and training to develop the technical part of their ideas and to develop their model of business
  • At the end of the incubation period, a practical demonstration will be carried out before qualified experts to evaluate the real possibilities of each project.
  • The City Council has been actively supporting the creation of companies for ten years, as evidenced by the nearly 300 startups currently housed in the Viveros Network 

Ten innovative startup projects with a common denominator, that of offering solutions to improve the quality of life of citizens. They are the finalists of the Madrid Smart Lab, whose presentation was attended today by the mayor of the city, Ana Botella. Starting in January, all of them will receive the necessary support and training to develop the technical part of their ideas and to develop the business model that makes their exploitation viable. For this they will have at their disposal the means of the Madrid Emprende incubator in Fuencarral-El Pardo.  
With this initiative, the City Council wants both the participating startups and the city itself to win. «On the one hand -the mayor pointed out- entrepreneurs will receive a boost to convert their ideas into a profitable company; and on the other, we will test novel formulas that can improve our quality of life».
At the end of the incubation period, when the 'Demo Day' takes place, the training and support they will receive in the incubator dedicated to smart city projects, the Smart Lab located in La Vaguada, "will have further strengthened -in the words of Ana Botella- her proposals and her desire to undertake». Experts from the Madrid City Council and Ferrovial, a City Council collaborator in this incubator, will be present at the 'Demo Day' to assess the real possibilities of each project.
Ana Botella has highlighted the high level of the projects presented and has valued very positively that all of them have accepted the challenge of getting started in one of the most modern developments in the city.

in favor of the startup
The City Council has been actively supporting the creation of companies for ten years. A support that has materialized in the nearly 300 startups currently housed in the Viveros Network.
The mayor has broken down some of the municipal actions so that this number of companies continues to grow. Last week the latest projects were received to enter 'Startup Madrid 10′, a national and international entrepreneurship program open to technological, innovative and creative projects that contribute to the sustainable development and progress of the city of Madrid.
Likewise, the Maddata competition was closed, which has brought together entrepreneurs, computer scientists and designers to find ways to take advantage of the large amount of open data about the city and the municipal services offered on the municipal website.  
Also last week Madrid Subterra was presented, which involves the City Council's alliance with large companies, universities and engineering colleges to provide facilities to startups that wish to exploit the energy potential of the city's subsoil.
In addition, the City Council supports entrepreneurs through a complete range of resources and services for the start-up of their projects: from the preparation of the business to the search for financing, through training, business accommodation and the process for registering with the new company.
It is also worth mentioning the public-private seed capital fund, which, with the participation of investors and venture capital entities, has mobilized 4.2 million euros towards startups in Madrid since 2012. And the Madrid Tax Free tax incentive, which returns businesses established after 2011 a significant part of the municipal taxes they have paid to start up their activity, a measure from which 663 SMEs and micro-SMEs have already benefited, and which will be maintained in 2015.