Registration open for tutored virtual training activities


The objective is the comprehensive training of entrepreneurs, offering content that enables the acquisition of knowledge for starting up a business, definition of business strategies and business management, among others.

Si quieres participar en estos actividades formativas sólo hacen falta tres cosas: mentalidad emprendedora,  interés por formarse y una idea de negocioin initial phase, or a recently created business.

Esta edición se va a celebrar durante los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2019 y consta de cuatro actividades formativas diferentes. Puedes inscribirte a una o más actividades ya que son independientes entre sí, siempre teniendo en cuenta que es necesario completar todos los contenidos virtuales que componen cada actividad.

The training activities will be taught and developed on the virtual platform "Aula Emprende” que la Dirección General de Innovación y Emprendimiento del Ayuntamiento de Madrid tiene a disposición de los usuarios.

Cada una de las actividades se publica en nuestra Schedule so you can sign up and, in addition, they will be included in the weekly newsletter, which you can receive by clicking here. Remember that registration is free and places are limited, so prior registration is necessary.

Basics of the business plan. Economic-financial plan and financing. It will give the keys to those who, with an idea and/or business model, need to develop a business plan with all its components, marketing, communication and sales, operations, HR, legal and economic-financial, carrying out an analysis to establish strategies, identify needs and monitor the business.

Digital Marketing and Web Basics. Focused on knowing the necessary elements to design and manage the business website of a project. In addition, tools will be given so that attendees can have their online store in the near future.

Big Data Fundamentals. Its objective is to understand and apply Big Data as a basic tool integrated into the business.

Lean Startup Basics. Oriented to know and put into practice the Lean Startup methodology to find the target market, evaluate with potential clients if the idea is a good opportunity, and promote innovation and creativity in business.