Defer your debts with Social Security

debts with Social Security


  • You can defer the payment of some debts with Social Security
  • Debtors, in order to benefit from this measure, must meet certain conditions


Social Security, in an effort to alleviate the economic strains of taxpayers, offers the possibility of deferring the payment of certain debts that would otherwise have to be fulfilled within the regulatory deadline.

The main objective of this measure is to allow debtors to maintain their regularized situation (as long as they meet the required conditions) considering them, with respect to deferred debts, up to date with payment.

What is a postponement?

A postponement is an administrative act initiated with the debtor's request, through which the payment outside the regulatory payment period of those social security debts susceptible to deferral is authorized, with interest accrual.

This deferral does not exempt the debtor from the obligation to pay the debts, but it does provide a financial respite by allowing payment to be made at a later date, with additional interest.

In short, Social Security debt deferral is a valuable tool that gives taxpayers the ability to manage their financial obligations more flexibly. However, It is essential to understand the limitations and conditions that govern this process to avoid adverse consequences.

What debts can be deferred?

It can be postponed any debt of Social Security, whether dues, resources of a different nature or surcharges on the previous ones, with the exception of those established as unavoidable.

Surcharges on financial benefits derived from work accidents and occupational diseases caused by lack of safety and hygiene measures at work may only be deferred if they are fully guaranteed with a guarantee.

What debts cannot be postponed?

There are certain Social Security debts that cannot be deferred under any circumstances. Among them are the contributions corresponding to work accidents and occupational diseases, as well as the contributions of employed or similar workers.

For these cases, the payment of non-deferrable installments must be made, if it has not been previously made, within a maximum period of one month from the date of notification of the resolution granting the deferral.

The request will be directed to the General Treasury of Social Security, the Social Security Administration or the Executive Collection Unit of Social Security where the responsible subject has authorized the contribution account or, failing that, in which he has his home. If you have an electronic certificate, it can also be done online.


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