Apply these work motivation techniques

work motivation


  • Work motivation consists of people, in their work environment, developing capabilities that lead to the materialization of certain objectives to satisfy needs or expectations.


Work motivation techniques are internal or external influences that contribute to productivity, job satisfaction, and meaningful contribution to projects.

To motivate employees, two relevant areas must be taken into account:

  • A motivating environment, dependent on management and leadership roles.
  • Employees with skills and abilities that positively influence attitude at work.

The advantages of work motivation

Every motivation carries benefits or advantages which, in companies, are:

  • Efficiency: motivation brings passion and involvement, achieving much more efficient work.
  • Efficiency: satisfaction or pride in the work carried out increases the probability of achieving the proposed objectives, increasing effectiveness.
  • Productivity: given this greater efficiency and effectiveness, all productivity rises by significant percentages.
  • Energy: having an exciting goal, a challenge, is synonymous with enthusiasm and energy.
  • Stress management: motivation gives a more positive perspective, understanding obstacles as opportunities and better managing stress levels or situations.
  • Interpersonal relationships: in a motivated team, collaboration and collective work increases.
  • Work success: for all of the above, high work motivation implies higher success rates.

Work motivation techniques

In any organization, maintaining an optimal level of work motivation is not easy. But there are motivation techniques and strategies that can promote it:

realistic goals

Employees want small, concrete, and attainable goals that allow them to achieve those personal achievements, feeling useful in contributing to the larger overall goal.

The contributions

We all like to have our contributions appreciated. Public recognition, praise, is a mechanism for fair treatment and has a great impact on the team's self-esteem and morale.

The reward

Another maxim is that all good work has its reward, without necessarily having to be monetary. When an organization makes its rewards program clear, with transparency, it becomes an effective and legitimized tool in work teams and with individual application.

Growth opportunities

Professional growth is another important motivation in every organization. Leadership that addresses and offers development and professional growth opportunities for its staff will be well on its way to employee loyalty and talent retention.

The challenges

Interesting work motivates people. And for staff retention there is nothing better than avoiding offering simple or monotonous tasks. When people get bored, they become demotivated and lose their inspiration and creativity.

Constructive comments

Uncertainty in expectations is also a demotivating factor. If employees are not clear about what their bosses expect of them, the objective is not assumed or internalized. Receiving constructive and specific advice, highlighting what has been done well and what needs to be improved, can help.

The appreciation

People want to feel valued and respected, even in the small everyday details. An explicit thank you or gesture of gratitude can greatly improve the atmosphere. In fact, most employees would stay with a company longer if they felt appreciated.

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