Circular economy law approved

Circular economy law approved


  • The Community of Madrid approves the circular economy law to promote sustainable and efficient development


The Community of Madrid has taken a significant step towards a more sustainable future with the recent approval of the Law 1/2024, of April 17, on the Circular Economy. This legislation, which seeks to promote a more efficient and environmentally friendly production and consumption model, has as its main objective the implementation of practices that reduce the generation of waste and promote its reuse and recycling.

Circular economy measures

The circular economy, on which this law is based, is presented as a crucial alternative in a context marked by the increase in demand for goods and services and the consequent increase in the generation of waste. The Community of Madrid, with a notable population density and a complex network of municipalities, recognizes the importance of adopting measures that mitigate this problem and promote sustainable development in all areas of the social and economic life of the region.

Within these measures, it is important to refer to the economic program where a special effort is made in those that promote strengthening the business fabric and promoting entrepreneurship to promote the growth of companies, the generation of employment and the attraction of investments in strategic sectors. . One of the main provisions establishes tax incentives for emerging companies, with the aim of stimulating their growth and consolidation in the market. These incentives seek to alleviate the tax burden and facilitate access to the capital necessary to expand their operations.

Entrepreneurship programs

In this context, financial support programs will be launched for entrepreneurs and startups, offering soft loans, subsidies and seed capital to promote the development of new business projects. This initiative aims to foster innovation and business creativity, as well as provide the necessary support to turn ideas into business realities.

Another important measure is the simplification of administrative procedures for the creation and registration of companies. The aim is to streamline bureaucratic processes, eliminating barriers and facilitating the establishment of new businesses in the region.

In addition, business training and training programs will be promoted, aimed at improving the management and leadership skills of entrepreneurs. These actions will contribute to strengthening the business ecosystem of the Community of Madrid and increasing its competitiveness in the global market.

To facilitate emerging companies' access to shared infrastructure and services, initiatives will be launched that allow the shared use of collaborative work spaces, laboratories and innovation centers. This will help reduce operational costs and foster collaboration between different actors in the business ecosystem.

Public-private collaboration

Finally, the regional government will also encourage public-private collaboration for the development of innovative business projects. Support and financing programs will be created for research and development projects in strategic sectors such as technology, biotechnology and renewable energies.

Likewise, the internationalization of Madrid companies will be promoted, providing support and advice for their expansion to new international markets. This will contribute to diversifying businesses and increasing their competitiveness at a global level.


For all these reasons and with the approval of this law, the Community of Madrid is at the forefront in promoting more sustainable economic and social development, while actively contributing to the protection of the environment and the preservation of natural resources. for future generations.