Freelancers and how to sell on Amazon

Freelance Amazon


  • Amazon affirms that the 75% of the Spanish freelancers who operate through the platform managed to export their products outside of Europe
  • 15% of e-commerce sales in Spain in 2021 were made through Amazon

Amazon data

The big headline would be that, in the last five years, the self-employed and small businesses have sold through Amazon for an amount that exceeds 400 million euros, as some digital media point out.

Only with this information, businesses must take into account this online macro store to sell their products, especially bearing in mind the huge market share and millions of potential customers that Amazon offers. Specifically, the platform talks about 300 million customers throughout the world and provides the following data: 75% of the Spanish entrepreneurs who created or transferred their activity to the electronic store, managed to export their products outside of Europe.

Another of the great attractions is the possibility of generating a e-commerce using Amazon's logistics capabilities, including shipping, returns, and customer service.

For the self-employed

First of all, the freelancer must register on the platform, choose what they want to sell, choosing among the twenty product segmentation categories, and how they want to sell it.

Freelancers have two options to choose from for the sales plan and to create their e-commerce on Amazon:

  • Pay 99 cents for each product sold
  • Pay 39 euros per month to sell any volume of items per month


On the Amazon seller website, access from “start selling”. After access, the platform will request business information, such as geographic location, name of the employer and legal personality, among other business data.

Once completed, the next step is to include the products to sell in the general Amazon offer: name, description, available units, price, etc. In addition, the platform will offer tools so that the seller can manage them and that are extremely important for buyers: shipping conditions, qualitative assessment, opinions... All of this will help to position each product and obtain greater sales. In fact, the platform values positively filling in the file for each product with as much information as possible.

As we have indicated previously, sellers will be able to choose whether they are interested in taking advantage of Amazon's logistics structure and using this service, or managing the logistics from the selling company itself. If the first option is chosen, it will be Amazon who sends the orders, while the relevant deposits will be made to the bank account of the self-employed person.

Amazon Advantage

Selling online for freelancers and small businesses on Amazon implies certain benefits:

  • The great scope, in terms of potential audiences, offered by the global platform is evident. In short, it implies exponential visibility for the company, regardless of the fact that Amazon sales have a sustained upward trend over time.
  • being the eldest marketplace in the world, the sales options are enormous on an international European scale for the Spanish self-employed.
  • Any seller benefits from Amazon's good reputation and/or credibility. Customers value security, delivery guarantee, ease of return, etc. In this sense, it is important to note that this is based on the opinions and evaluations that customers leave on each product sheet.
  • The conditions to start sales on the platform are very affordable in terms of the initial investment required, with a minimum budget. Online sales will not condition the general financial strategy of the selling company.
  • have a e-commerce own requires time, resources and the inclusion of the entire sales process and customer service in its entirety. Instead, selling from Amazon allows much of this process to be managed by the platform at a low cost.

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