European aid for the internationalization of SMEs

European aid for the internationalization of SMEs


  • Europe has made a clear commitment: European aid for internationalization
  • The European Commission has established two lines of action: European Business Network and Startup Europe


In recent years, Europe has made a clear commitment to the internationalization of its business fabric by implementing various support initiatives aimed at small and medium-sized companies, which constitute the 99 % of the business landscape.

Within the strategic objectives of Spanish companies, internationalization emerges as a fundamental factor. Increasingly, businessmen and women are striving to expand their businesses to new horizons.

This drive towards international expansion finds support in the proactive actions of the European Commission. In order to assist SMEs and emerging companies seeking to diversify their operations into new markets, the Commission has established two key lines of action: European business network (Enterprise Europe Network – EEN) and Startup Europe.

What is the European Business Network?

Founded in 2008, this global network is made up of more than 600 organizations from around 60 countries and includes regional development agencies, technology hubs, innovation support entities, universities, research institutes and chambers of commerce and industry.

Each entity has a team of experts that provides personalized advice to companies, with deep knowledge of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and a global network of contacts to identify business opportunities.

These specialists cover various key sectors, from health and agri-food to energy, fashion and textiles, and support European SMEs in their transition towards digital and sustainable business models.

In addition, they have the most complete online database in Europe, making it easier for companies to search for business, collaboration and partnership opportunities with companies from across the continent. The network has local contact points around the world, accessible from its website.

 What is Startup Europe?

The European Commission launched the Startup Europe initiative in 2012 with the purpose of supporting the growth of emerging high-tech companies. Its approach includes financing ecosystem builders, facilitating connections between startup innovators, investors, accelerators, corporate networks, universities and innovation media.

The aim is to establish the EU as a startup nation, encouraging expansion beyond European borders and simplifying visa processes for international talent.

In the period 2014-2020, Startup Europe dedicated €30 million to 22 projects, benefiting more than 1,000 startups in the EU. The European Commission will soon launch the summary of the internationalization tools for SMEs for the year 2024.

Additionally, the Digital Innovation and Scaling Initiative (Digital Innovation and Scaleup Initiative – DISC) launched in 2019, seeks to increase investment in startup of high technological value, especially in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe.

Another key project is Creative Europe, destined for the EU cultural industry with an allocation of 2.44 billion euros until 2027. This program supports transnational creation, innovation and mobility of artists and professionals, divided into subprograms for culture and audiovisual media.

The Spanish Creative Europe office, linked to the Ministry of Culture, provides information on new calls.


With these two major initiatives, Europe demonstrates its strong commitment to business internationalization, led by strategic actions of the European Commission focused on supporting and promoting the expansion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These companies will benefit from personalized advice and a network of international contacts, which will greatly facilitate their expansion.

Furthermore, thanks to the Startup Europe initiative, the startup in the technological field will receive great support that will serve as a boost for their growth and positioning in the market.

2 responses

  1. We have created FySelf, a project that works as a tool for humans around the world, the first identity management network. We need a lot of this type of aid to be able to launch this great project to the world from Spain and Europe.
    We thank you for these initiatives, I hope we can apply and receive the necessary support.
    Thank you

    1. Good morning:
      Thank you very much for your interest and for your comments.
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      From that same place you can request an appointment, in person or online, for advice.

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