Aid for the video game, podcast and digital creation sector

Aid for the video game, podcast and digital creation sector


The Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, has allocated funds to support the development and promotion of projects in the field of video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation.

Are aid for the video game, podcast and digital creation sector They have a budget of 8,000,000 euros to support innovative initiatives and foster progress in these areas.

The deadline to request these aids is open until January 30.

Who can apply for this subsidy?

  1. Professionals registered in the special regime for self-employed workers.
  2. Legal entities: microbusinesses and SMEs.

In both cases they must have Spanish nationality or from any Member State of the European Union or from the signatory States of the Agreement on the European Economic Area that have tax residence in Spain.

What projects can benefit from this aid?

The fund is intended to support projects in the following modalities:

  1. Pre-production, production and distribution of video games.
  2. Podcast pre-production, production and distribution.
  3. Pre-production, production and distribution of other forms of digital creation, including narrative experiences in VR, AR, RX formats, whether interactive or non-interactive, narrative experiences oriented to metaverses and others.
  4. Incubation, mentoring or acceleration programs for projects related to the previous categories, whether in physical, digital or hybrid (digital and physical) format.
  5. Professional events and cultural exhibitions related to video games, podcasts and other forms of digital creation.

The Projects must be developed between February 1 and December 31 2024, the expenses must be incurred within this period.

How much will the subsidy be?

The amount received as a subsidy It may not exceed 80,000 euros nor exceed 80 % of the budget of the project.

The pay of the aid will be made in advance, from the date of the granting resolution.

How can I apply for the subsidy?

The request will be made through the electronic platform designated by the Ministry of Culture. In addition, a supporting report on the project must be attached.

More information in the ministerial order calling for aid.