Dancausa delivers the MADdata awards


The Delegate of Economy, Finance and Public Administration, Dancausa Conception, has presented the awards MAD data, first open data competition organized by the City of Madrid and the international consulting firm everis, with the aim of enhancing the image of Madrid as an innovative city in the field of open data.
The City Council launched its Open Data Portal http://www.datos.madrid.es  last March with the purpose of promoting economic development, efficiency, citizen participation and transparency, offering in a structured and easily accessible way all information related to public resources and the planning and management of municipal activity.
Entrepreneurs, app developers, designers, data journalists, social innovators and citizens have participated in MADdata. The competition consisted of creating innovative solutions about Madrid using open data from the Madrid City Council's Open Data Portal.
Three prizes have been awarded: to the business Innovation, to the social innovation and data visualization.
The winners have been Bileit (business innovation), platform for booking and purchasing tickets; K-Social, app and website for the prevention of sexist violence; and Business Start (data visualization), tool to analyze possible locations for a future business.