The Madrid International Lab received the visit of David D. Burstein


Last Monday, July 7, it took place at 10 a.m. at the headquarters of the Madrid International Lab an encounter with David D Burstein (, 24-year-old writer, filmmaker, CEO of Run for America, and author of the book, Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation is Shaping Our World. After a brief presentation by the attendees, the American entrepreneur took the floor, recalling his beginnings, when he was only 13 years old and wondering what he could do to change reality; "I took all the passion I had and turned it into what I wanted to do." Regarding the subject ofentrepreneurship business, Burstein was clear: “The world has changed. You no longer have to go to the office to work from 9 to 5; now you can create your own job.” 


Present and future 

The writer and filmmaker explained to those present his ideas about the future, 'fast-future', and the new challenges of the present in labor and business terms. For Burstein, those born between the eighties and nineties of the last century, 'millennials', they have a wealth of talent and potential to change things. "Set goals you can achieve and tell yourself a story every day about the successes you've achieved," he said. 


technology and trust 

Responding to questions from the public, Burstein clarified that we are currently checking what kind of resources are worth having, especially considering their impact on the environment. On the other hand, about trust in SMEs, the North American businessman stated that "people want to trust each other" and that one of the factors that leads to the success of a Startup is the involvement of all the members of the work team.