Companies selected in the V Villaverde acceleration program

Villaverde acceleration program


  • Acelera Villaverde is a program to promote social enterprises that seeks to enhance and strengthen the current entrepreneurial ecosystem of Madrid
  • The program starts in October

Madrid Emprende incubator acceleration programs

The Madrid Emprende business incubators offer Programs of acceleration with advanced and personalized advice, including mentoringcoaching And training. In addition to these advantages, you will have the possibility of establishing contacts with companies, entrepreneurs and investors thanks to the activities of networking.

Its objective is to accelerate the launch or consolidation of companies with an innovative approach, with a vocation for growth, scalability and international vision. In addition, each of the incubators holds 2 annual calls for companies external to the incubators in the municipal network.

Villaverde Acceleration Program

Accelerate Villaverde is a program to promote social companies that seeks to enhance and strengthen the current entrepreneurial ecosystem of Madrid, favoring the consolidation of companies based on talent, innovation and the contribution of value to ideas that promote social impact through support to people, to cities and to sustainability within the entrepreneurial ecosystem in general.

These are the selected companies who are going to participate in the fifth edition of the Villaverde business incubator acceleration program:

  1. Stocken Blockchain Capital SL
  2. Easyworld
  3. Ayrel 
  5. wisefox 
  6. Datatherapy 
  7. KOKUA
  8. Creations Hybesa SL 
  9. SoftQbits
  10. gether 


The program will begin with a day of welcome during the month of October and will end with the demo days in January 2024.