Management of potential customers in your company

Lead management


  • The lead management, or lead management, is the process of capturing leads thanks to the monitoring of all contact points with the company


The lead management, or lead management, is the process of capturing leads Thanks to the monitoring of all contact points with the company, such as email, chat or behavior within the website.

The lead management It covers all the actions that are carried out in order to generate new potential customers through marketing strategies. marketing, sales and recruitment. It also includes the management of technological means and tactics used to obtain and manage commercial prospects.


To implement lead management in your company, it is convenient to follow some steps:

  • Definition of specific objectives. What do you want to achieve with the generation of leads? What are the objectives of the program?
  • Understanding of customer needs. What do they seek? What problems do they have? How to help them?
  • Assessment of management capacity. Do you have the necessary resources to generate leads? In this sense, starting from a good database, without duplication and with updated information adapted to the characteristics of our company, will optimize actions.
  • Development of quality criteria. How to measure success and with what metrics?
  • Categorization of the process in stages, well defined and documented, identifying problems and seeking solutions.

Some practices

Some of the best practices for lead management are as follows:

  • Plan content: develop an editorial strategy, accompanied by a schedule for its execution, which allows the creation and publication of content.
  • Implement a management system leads: use a tool to manage the leads generated and follow up.
  • Measure results: quantify the success of the generation of leads, through metrics, for its continuous improvement.
  • Use strategies of marketing multi-channel: this practice uses different channels to reach your potential customers, such as email, social networks and advertising on-line.
  • Optimize registration forms.

The most used metrics

To measure the success of your revenue generation program leads, these are some metrics that should be measured periodically for analysis:

  • Number of leads generated in a given period of time.
  • Conversion rate to know how many leads they have become customers.
  • Return on investment (ROI), with which we will know how much money you have earned in relation to the money invested in the generation of leads.
  • Cost by lead (CPL).

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