Google Ads, relevant for your sales

google ads


  • If you want to reach new clients on-line, Google Ads can be a good option and part of your advertising strategy. digital marketing and sales


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads It is an advertising solution on-line that companies use to promote their products and services in Google search, YouTube and other sites on the Internet.

It is an advertising platform on-line payment that allows the advertiser to pay per click or per impression of their ads.

How does it work

In Google Ads, your ads show when users search on-line the products and services you offer, take advantage of smart technology to help potential customers see your ads just when they are ready to take an action.

First of all, you must determine the objective, adapting the advertisement to the option that best suits the results sought:

  • Boost sales.
  • Reach the right users to get interested potential customers.
  • Get the right users to visit the brand's website.
  • Encourage users to discover what the brand offers.
  • Introduce the brand to new customers.
  • Promote your app on all Google properties.

Second, you have to decide where to show your ads. If you want your ad to perform well, you have to find the right audience through segmentation.

And, of course, these marketing actions will be defined or limited according to a budget limit to be invested.

Types of campaigns or ads

These are the different types of campaigns:

  • Search campaigns: Show your ads when users search for the products or services you offer.
  • campaigns of shopping- Show your local inventory and on-line.
  • campaigns of display- Grab attention with visually appealing ads.
  • Video campaigns: Tell your company's story with videos.
  • App campaigns: Get your app in front of the right users.

Types of payment in Google Ads

  • CPC (cost per click) and PPC (pay per click) allow you to pay for an ad only if the user clicks on it.
  • Cost per impression: With this model you pay based on the number of times your ads are shown without users clicking on them.
  • Cost per expansion: In this case, you pay only when the user completes a previously defined interaction, such as watching a video ad.

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