Google Trends, keep that in mind

Google Trends


  • Google Trends is a tool that can help not to lose certain business opportunities
  • In digital marketing and sales, trends are a key part of markets and the behavior of buyers and users.


What is Google Trends

According to Google, “Google Trends provides access to a sample (unfiltered, for the most part) of actual search requests made to Google. It is anonymous (no one is personally identified), categorized (based on the subject of search queries), and contains aggregated (grouped) data. This tool allows us to show the interest that users have had in a specific topic globally or at the city level”.

Google Trends is a free tool that works as a trend search engine, providing relative data on the volume of searches for specific and thematic keywords on Google, during a specific period of time.

The samples

There are two samples of data Google Trends brings:

  • The real-time data is a sample of the last seven days.
  • Non-real-time data is an independent sample of data that can be obtained from the year 2004 and up to 36 hours prior to the search.

Benefits of Google Trends


If you want to know what is being talked about and what is currently being searched for, this is your tool. With this information you will be able to redirect planning and strategic content, according to the interest or lack of interest of our target audience.

keywords and long tails

Google Trends can provide significant data for market research, with geographic information, specific products and primary and secondary keywords in each case.

SEO optimization with Google Trends

SEO positioning depends significantly on Google. If we take into account the trends that Google considers, our SEO results will be better.

Other benefits, according to search trends, are:

  • Know the seasonality of the products.
  • Monitor competitive brands.
  • Geographically segment payment campaigns.

The tool

The tool is intuitive and can yield interesting data through four filters: geographic, temporal, thematic, and by type of search.

Secondly, we will choose the main keywords for the business, which we must update periodically. On the other hand, with the searches we will know the popularity and the greatest geographical interest of each keyword chosen.

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