LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads


  • Advertising on LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ads) can be an effective resource among a professional audience and in B2B campaigns


If we focus on the figures of the social network in Spain, these are the most notable in 2023:

  • LinkedIn had 17 million members in Spain at the beginning of 2023.
  • The Spanish audience is equivalent to 43% of the adult population.
  • 52.9% of the advertising audience are men.
  • The figures show that the potential reach of advertising in Spain increased by 3 million (21.4%) between 2022 and 2023.


Advertising on LinkedIn requires having an account in the platform's advertising campaign manager. With the account active, you have to follow some steps:

  • Set a goal: The first step in creating a campaign is to choose the goals that matter to you in terms of brand awareness, perception, and conversions.
  • Select targeting criteria: Target your campaign to the right audience with LinkedIn's targeting tools. Choose from over 20 attribute categories.
  • Choose an ad format: Now that you're logged into campaign manager, it's time to create and manage your ads.
  • Establish an advertising budget and campaign schedule.
  • Evaluate and optimize the campaign: you can access the statistics from the campaign manager, selecting those you want to evaluate.

Types of ads

LinkedIn Ads offers four options:

  • Sponsored Content– Native ads that appear in the LinkedIn feed.
  • Sponsored Messaging- Interact with potential audiences through LinkedIn messages.
  • Dynamic Ads: Ads that automatically adapt to the specific audience.
  • Text Ads- Simple ads with pay per click (PPC) or cost per impression (CPM).


  • Advertising campaigns on LinkedIn may be more expensive than on other social networks or platforms but can achieve return on investment (ROI).
  • LinkedIn allows you to advertise with videos to further optimize your digital advertising strategy.
  • One of the great advantages is its excellent segmentation, with a high level of definition for brands looking for professional or B2B profiles.
  • The metrics provided by LinkedIn allow you to analyze the performance and impacts of the campaigns.

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