New consumption habits arrive

new consumption habits


  • Consumer Trends 2023 is an annual report that analyzes the evolution of consumer habits and the market


Every brand or business needs to know the changes, the evolution or the new trends in consumer habits and the market to be able to interact with their target audience.

Consumer Trends 2023 is an annual report that analyzes the evolution of consumer habits and the market, with the aim of helping organizations and professionals in the strategic design.

These are the main trends planned for this year, together with its most outstanding actions:

Emotional escape

  • Inclusion of natural elements to be able to disconnect and achieve physical and mental well-being.
  • People are more aware of needing moments of disconnection, and they openly address and express it.
  • Mental health is key.

Still no future

  • The increase in the social gap generates a refractory vision of young people towards the wealthier classes.
  • The traditional social model and the welfare state are being questioned and are no longer an objective to be achieved.
  • The mental health of adolescents and young people is a social concern.
  • The vision of young people must be taken into account, achieving their involvement in public life and their decisions.

light drugs

  • Drugs and their derivatives are part of the social news, specifically in the questioning of the limit between the legal and the illegal, of its regulation.
  • Generation Z breaks away from traditional drugs and focuses on new derivatives and uses.
  • The market for apps for the safe consumption of drugs and alcohol that allow track its derived effects.
  • The new habits in alcoholic consumption affect socially and economically.

Beyond gender

  • Brands limit their incorporation to certain markets and modify exclusive product categories.
  • Segmentation by gender can cause misunderstanding and environmental pressure.
  • Faced with social polarization, brands should offer supports for stories genderless.

War for talent

  • Companies need policies for flexible hours, teleworking, etc., together with offering a balanced economic and emotional salary.
  • It is necessary to analyze productivity and habits linked to new models such as digital nomads, workation, etc.
  • The Great Renunciation has demonstrated the need for models like the smart working to achieve talent retention.

energy conversion

  • The solar panels have a mimetic design with the environment looking for a second functionality, beyond aesthetics.
  • The escalation of prices generates ingenious solutions such as new routes and calorific methods.
  • To counter energy dependency, European countries are focusing on energy saving and efficiency, along with new sources of renewable energy.

Too much party

  • The parties gain in extravagance and excesses, a consequence of the need to communicate a frenetic pace of life on social networks.
  • Many people have a need to regain calm and balance, having gone from pandemic restriction to excess in a very short time.
  • The festival boom has arrived, with a lot of lower quality offers, a fact that endangers the viability of the sector.

Worried foodies

  • Achieving and maintaining a healthy and attractive body has become a status symbol, surpassing some material goods.
  • Supplements known as "natural antibiotics" never replace medications prescribed by health professionals.
  • Regarding the improvement in the diet, technology is decisive in guiding people to achieve this goal.

digital excess

  • Digital devices have options that mitigate the negative effects on the permanent technological connection.
  • With the language of the algorithm, greater value is given to the quality of content and relationships, above noise and misinformation.
  • Concern for childhood digital addiction leads to limiting the consumption of social networks, with specific mechanisms for this.

low cost era

  • Low cost is consolidated as a differential value proposition, which includes fair human and environmental practices.
  • The rise of low-cost products should not be translated into the justification of consumption for consumption's sake; for this reason, brands defend individual responsibility.
  • One consequence of the liberation of monopolies is that, in national markets, new players with low-cost products are incorporated.

With new consumer trends and changes in consumer habits and markets, new opportunities can always arise.

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