Madrid Emprende participates in the Global Urban Datafest


On March 6 and 7, the Media Lab Prado in Madrid was held Global Urban Datafest, a hackthon on Smart Cities that has already been held in 27 cities around the world. 

Organized by IBM and the Complutense University of Madrid, it has had the participation of the Madrid City Council, through Madrid Emprende, both in the jury and in the opening, with the intervention of Mr. Pedro González Torroba, General Director of Madrid Emprende , who especially thanked the 
participation and cooperation on the part of the UCM, represented by Ms. Alicia Arias Coello.

Mr. Pedro González highlighted the fact that we are immersed in a new technological revolution, which, unlike the previous ones, has a democratic character to the extent that participating in it is within the reach of everyone, and not just a few. illustrated as in the past.

On Friday the 6th, a quick course was given on Bluemix, the language that IBM, through its Watson platform, made available to developers. The challenges that the jury proposed to the participants were also presented, which included:

  • Improvement of urban bike routes
  • Smart traffic lights
  • Exploitation of geographic data collected through Twitter.
  • More ecological, advanced and sustainable transportation.
  • Citizen security.
  • Geographic information on population density at different times of day and urban mobility in Madrid.
  • Information on municipal provisions for citizens to choose their place of residence.

On Saturday, March 7, the teams were working on the chosen challenge all day long. In total, eleven teams were formed, of which ten finally presented their proposal. Then, each team had five minutes to present their idea to the jury and attendees, in the following order: 

  • Madrid Efficient City
  • Smart Lights
  • Breathe Better
  • Entertainment in Madrid
  • Smart Citizen
  • Smart Festival
  • Street life
  • Just Trash
  • DensiTweets
  • Think Think Traffic

Finally, the first two prizes went to the projects Just Trash and Breathe Better, which will be the Spanish representation in the global event that will bring together the two winners from each of the 27 venues in which the hackathon was held.