Madrid Emprende awarded at the My Company Show


The Barclaycard Center (former Sports Palace of the Community of Madrid) was the setting for the event, in which more than 15,000 entrepreneurs were oriented. Madrid Emprende, the brand under which the Madrid City Council promotes all its business promotion services, has supported this new call, which has had Bankia as main sponsor and with Mail as a co-sponsor.
After the inauguration of the Hall, Sebastien Chartier, CEO of Creaventure and Co-Founder of the Mi Empresa Show, delivered the award to Madrid Emprende, for their commitment and support to entrepreneurship, recognizing their trajectory and continuous dedication to the entrepreneurial community. The TVE program “Emprende” was also awarded for its work.
The mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, did not want to miss this VI edition and went to the Mi Empresa Hall to visit some of the most representative stands, showing interest in the stands of Microsoft, Correos, Bankia, Revista Emprendedores, Fundación ONCE – FSC Inserta, UPTA , Fundación Repsol, Banco Sabadell and Madrid Emprende, where representatives of each of these organizations received her and shared with her the work they are carrying out in support and collaboration with entrepreneurship.
In this VI edition there has been a visitor advice point, where experts from Creaventure, the organizing company of the Show, have guided and guided the entrepreneur on their route to success, going through the different advice points and content that best adapt to their profile.
After the success of the last edition, up to 1,000 people passed through the unique space for networking and a 60% of them obtained contacts that they were able to use in a satisfactory manner, this year this area has been considered one of the most efficient.
“One more year, the My Company Show once again makes available to SMEs, entrepreneurs and self-employed workers both the knowledge and experience of the best experts, as well as the support and advice of institutions and companies of all types, with the aim of "Those brave people who take risks to carry out their projects or those others who have already managed to set up their company, have the necessary tools to set the course for success," said Sébastien Chartier, CEO of Creaventure and Co-Founder of the MiEmpresa Show.