DevOps Methodology

DevOps Methodology


  • The methodology DevOps is an engineering practice that aims to unify the development of software (Dev) and the operation of software (ops)
  • It involves the union between the development of software and systems administration


The methodology DevOps is an engineering practice that aims to unify the development of software (Dev) and the operation of software (ops). That is, it is a union between the development of software and systems administration.

It is a methodology based on the integration between developers and system administrators, which allows to accelerate the integration of new functionalities, test automatically and solve errors in an agile way.

The movement DevOps emerged back in 2007 when the development communities of software and IT operations raised objections to the IT development model software traditional. A model in which programmers worked outside the operations team, the one in charge of implementing and supporting the code.


The objective of DevOps is to unite the developers who program the software of the applications and the operations team that runs the software in production, in addition to creating and maintaining the infrastructure where it runs.


to understand DevOps are useful "The three principles of DevOps" and "CALMS», acronym for culture (culture), automation (automation), lean methodology (read), measurement (measurement) and share (sharing).

The three principles are:

  • Systems Thinking: Understanding that software applications are complex systems.
  • Increase cycles feedback: Improve two-way communication between teammates.
  • Cultural change: culture of continuous experimentation and learning.

Advantages of its use

Apply the methodology DevOps In a company it brings benefits when working and creating tools applying agile methodologies:

  • Promoting collaboration and responsibility.
  • agile methodology.
  • Process automation.
  • Focus on the customer.

DevOps It is a word that in recent years has been incorporated into our daily technological life, it is heard a lot in large companies in the sector and even in job offers. But DevOps It is not just a methodology, it is a true work philosophy.

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