New edition of the HORECA incubation program

HORECA MFIH incubation program


  • Presentation of candidatures until September 18
  • Intended for innovative projects in the HORECA sector with less than 12 months of life
  • The Madrid Emprende food entrepreneurship center seeks innovative projects that introduce new gastronomic concepts, disruptive business models and tools that contribute to the enrichment of the current panorama of the HORECA sector.


Madrid Food Innovation Hub, the business incubator of the Madrid city council in the food sector, opens the call for the III edition of the incubation program in gastronomy and new business models in the HORECA sector. The startup Those chosen must demonstrate their determination to radically transform the sector, focusing firmly on the commercial viability of their projects and their contribution to the industry, generating a tangible impact on the economy and society. With this initiative, we seek to identify projects that introduce new gastronomic paradigms, business models and tools that enrich the current panorama of the HORECA sector.

The delegate councilor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council, Ángel Niño, has stated that “Madrid Food Innovation Hub's support for startups covers all branches of the agri-food value chain, including the HORECA branch and the services sector.. We are building a great community around innovation, food and the city of Madrid, with almost 100 projects incubated and accelerated by the City Council hub”, he highlighted. As he has pointed out, “We have a special affection for the incubation program specialized in HORECA, since it was the first initiative that we launched from the center almost two years ago”.

The program, completely gratuitous For participants, it encompasses a wide range of resources and opportunities that aim to strengthen the innovation landscape in the HORECA sector. During the 12 weeks, the startup Selected students will immerse themselves in a training experience that combines high-level theoretical and practical sessions, personalized tutoring from renowned experts and the opportunity to enjoy the center's cutting-edge facilities, which include spaces for co-working of the latest generation and a state-of-the-art laboratory kitchen. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to share their projects with potential consumers and investors.

Within the framework of this program, projects in various strategic areas that promise to revolutionize the gastronomy industry will be evaluated. These include tools aimed at the digitalization of restaurant management, ranging from the optimization of purchasing and management processes to security solutions. marketing and advanced payment. Likewise, special attention will be given to exploring new distribution channels, such as home delivery models, takeaway options, the dark kitchens, automated services and corners gastronomic within other establishments. Innovation will also be present in the creation of new gastronomic models and restaurant concepts, both in the dining room and in the kitchen. Finally, the implementation of cutting-edge technologies will be encouraged, such as business intelligence, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, among others, to optimize efficiency and quality in the gastronomic sector.

This initiative is intended for innovative projects in the HORECA sector with less than 12 months of life, which have not received prior investment, are backed by ambitious teams and are based in the Community of Madrid. Special consideration will be given to projects promoted by unemployed people or people in economically vulnerable situations.

The deadline for admission of candidatures will end on September 18.


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