Product manager, a new position that is gaining positions

product manager


  • The product manager It is one of the positions with the most job demand with the arrival of technology companies and digitalization
  • We clarify what exactly they do and what functions they have

What is a product manager

The product managers or product managers are those who create strategies for building products, oversee the execution of these products, and track users' reaction to the product.

They have the responsibility of identifying consumer needs and satisfying them through product development and delivery. The entire process includes, from product research to the marketing plan. For this reason, the product manager works transversally with various departments of the organization.

product manager It turns out to be a multidisciplinary profile, for which, among others, these skills are requested:

  • leadership and motivation skills
  • product management knowledge and training
  • communication and decision-making skills
  • specialization in research and data analysis
  • ease of coordinating teams
  • technical knowledge about the sector to understand product opportunities
  • broad vision of the business
  • empathy to adequately understand the client's needs
  • strategic vision
  • creative and analytical capacity

Functions of the product manager

The main functions are:

  • Identify what problems and needs the consumer has to know what products to create
  • ensure products are created and delivered correctly
  • analyze how users respond to these products and obtain ideas for continuous improvement
  • optimize previous processes and constantly identify points of improvement in the different processes
  • define a vision for the product and a scheduled roadmap to test the value with the market
  • periodically analyze user needs to improve value delivery
  • analyze the macrotrends of your sector and trends in product typology to have an updated solution
  • coordinate and monitor the perception of the brand and the product by the different customer segments
  • prioritize product functionalities, translating it into return on investment

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