Winning Startups of the Madrid Emprende Accelerator


On October 30, the Demoday graduation ceremony for accelerated Startups was held in the 1st call for the Madrid Emprende High Potential Projects Accelerator.
Additionally, the ten finalists selected for the 2nd call of the Accelerator were presented at the event.
The jury made up of the management of Madrid Emprende, representatives of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, experts and investors such as Ignacio Vilela from the Venture Capital fund StartCaps Ventures , Faraday Venture Partners , Olga Bedía Director of the business angels network Business In Fact , Gonzalo de Ulloa and Pablo Casado partners of the firm U&Law specialized in startup investment operations, Daniel Cerecedo founding partner of byteflair development company specialized in startups with a strong technological component, Curra Rotondo and Pablo Neil Fernandez Daruan Venture Capital , Roberto Canales managing partner of authenticity and Business Angel, Pactrick Ribault from Ucancapital…..
The 5 winning startups were:
Mingles believes that the best way to learn and practice a language is through conversation. To do this, it creates small conversation groups and levels, led by a native teacher, who meet in charming leisure spaces. All this promoted and managed with a differential use of technology: mingles builds an online community that materializes offline.
Online platform in APP and web format that mediates in the non-load transport sub-market, preparing an index of routes where the vehicle circulates empty and thanks to third-party technology they can take advantage of transport at a reduced cost. Also generating extraordinary profits for carriers. From this system, the carrier will be able to see how your space is automatically filled with offers and offers you the optimal loads.
Becash is the first scholarship comparator that helps students from all over the world to achieve their goals. After completing your profile, the Becash algorithm searches for the best scholarships, grants and grants around the world that can help you fulfill your dreams. You just have to select them with a single click and let Becash take care of everything. In addition, Becash warns of the new aid that adapts to the profile of its users and tells them what studies they can carry out based on their notes, covering the marketing needs of universities.
Deexme is the new self-updating and cloud-based phonebook that transforms the way you manage your contacts. Connect with whoever you want, wherever and whenever you want thanks to its functioning as a social network.
Madaish is a social shopping platform, an innovative concept in which the social network and electronic commerce coexist by allowing the user to socialize their shopping experience. Users are inspired by the looks of fashionistas (bloggers, celebrities, it-girls) and access to purchase their outfits quickly and easily.
The selected startups will receive an acceleration program for their projects that includes the following services provided by the Madrid City Council at no cost:

  • Personalized mentoring program provided by Cink Emprende and its team of experts and mentors
  • Personalized practical training based on the needs of the projects
  • Office for the team in a Coworking space during the 5-month duration of the program in the Accelerator located at C/Cidro 3 Carabanchel Madrid
  • Presentation to investors in Demoday