Subsidies for the promotion of innovation

Subsidies for the promotion of innovation


  • Intended for the development of events that promote technological innovation in the city of Madrid
  • Total endowment of 1,500,000 euros
  • The deadline for submitting applications ends on July 22.


Open the public call for subsidies for the promotion of innovation through the development of events that promote technological innovation in the city of Madrid, whose objectives are:

  • Promote innovation in companies and attract qualified professional talent for the business and economic development of Madrid.
  • Strengthen Madrid's innovation ecosystem.
  • Develop programs and activities with a high R+D+i content.
  • Promote public-private collaboration in relevant projects with a positive impact on economic activity in Madrid.

At an economic level, they are destined €1,500,000 to support the development of events that promote technological innovation in the Madrid city.

will be eligible events those intended to promote technological innovation, which meet the following requirements:

  1. That they take place in the municipal term of Madrid.
  2. That they take place between January 1 and October 31, 2022.
  3. The events will be face-to-face or a hybrid format.
  4. The cost of the event must be equal to or greater than 300,000 euros

Check the complete bases of the call  to know all the requirements, economic endowment and deadlines, among others.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submitting applications ends on July 22.

Submit your application through the Electronic Office of the Madrid City Council: Grants for the promotion of innovation through the development of events 2022

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