Tilde Consultant, winner of the Award for Social Responsibility in Microenterprises


Yesterday the award ceremony took place. Award for Social Responsibility in Microenterprise organized between Madrid Emprende and the  Thyme Foundation.
The Award for Social Responsibility in Microenterprises was convened with the aim of creating a space in which to give value and importance to measures aimed at improving the social, economic and environmental aspects within one of the pillars of the current business fabric, the small and medium business.
The event was presented by Maria Elena France Guevara, Director of Villaverde Vivero de Empresas and was accompanied by the words of Pedro Lantero Cervera, Vice President of Fundación Tomillo, who assured that "who cares for the environment, labor relations, innovation and cooperation, promotes the responsibility and sustainability of our companies in the long term".
Alberto de Haro Canones, Executive and Financial Director of PREMATECHNIC, an industrial engineering company, presented the conference “Social Commitment and Good Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises” to the attendees, with which it shared its experience and encouraged companies to share values.
The three finalists of the program were:

  • Carlos Mateo, with his project BeCash, the first comparator of study scholarships, which was third finalist.
  • Manuel Santude, second finalist with Idalia Global, cleaning services, whose corporate purpose is to facilitate the labor integration of people with disabilities.
  • Elizabeth Lopez, of Tilde Consultant, and its growth project on the Internet with women victims of gender violence, was the winner of the company's social responsibility award "this is a push to continue with everything".

The event was closed by Pedro Gonzalez Torroba, General Director of "Madrid Emprende", who stressed the importance of values and commitment and expressed his desire that these first awards become a permanent and regular event. Some prizes “to be happy, which in the end is what it is all about”.