The training activities of the School of Innovation for Commerce of the Madrid City Council are back


The priority objective pursued with the free training actions that are taught within the School of Innovation for Commerce is to offer retail professionals from all its sectors, as well as freelancers and SMEs, the knowledge and tools necessary for professionalization and increased competitiveness in the development of a commercial activity. Notwithstanding this, any other interested person may attend the courses regardless of their activity, employment situation, training and professional experience.
On this occasion, within the programming of training activities of the School of Innovation for Commerce A number of new features have been included:
  • Within the transversal training, courses will be given on the management of municipal markets and on the exercise of street vending in the municipality of Madrid.

  • Specific training is included aimed at professionals in the butchery and delicatessen sector, as well as those in the fishmonger sector.

The training actions will be taught in two cycles throughout this year, and may be extended until January 2019.
The calendar of activities will be published soon along with the contents, place and time of celebration.
As usual, the different courses that are taught will be available in the Activities Agenda Those interested should enroll in the courses.  through the form provided for this purpose in each of the courses published in said Agenda.