Wanderant and Fikstores, two projects of the Madrid Emprende Nursery Network, selected by the European Network of Incubators


Wanderant and Fikstores, two of the projects pre-incubated in Madrid International Lab, the center for international projects that Madrid Emprende has on Bailén street, were selected by the European Business Incubator Network (EBN) to be presented in their ACE project (www.europeanace.eu ) last Wednesday March 18 in Milan.

The #ACESummit, which has held its second edition in Milan within the Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2015, is a showcase in which the most innovative technology SMEs and startups show their projects to investors, mentors and potential partners from all over Europe. (http://europeanace.eu/index.php/news-events/news/item/347-second-ace-summit-at-the-global-entrepreneurship-congress-milan)

The selected companies receive a mentor in their country to help them in the process of creating and growing their business project. The mentor analyzes strengths and weaknesses, develops an action plan for internationalization, and selected startups benefit from personalized coaching with a specially dedicated mentor from a member of the EBN network.
In addition, they can benefit from offices abroad, pitching at events, training, access to European funds, support for the development of their business, help in finding partners and clients in the identified markets.

Wanderant (https://www.wanderant.com ) is an innovative tourism project that allows you to plan and customize your trip to different countries, collecting information and making it accessible through a mobile device.

Fikstores (www.fikstores.com ) is a service that allows companies to create a website with the possibility of selling their products over the Internet in a fast, easy, attractive and secure way.

Madrid Emprende is part of the European network EBN and the Spanish ANCES. In its Network of Nurseries there are nearly 150 incubated companies and in the process of pre-incubation and preparation of the business plan, and in 2014 more than 15,000 people attended its free courses and workshops to disseminate innovation and entrepreneurship for SMEs and startups.