XII Campus of Entrepreneurs of SeedRocket in Madrid


On Wednesday, November 26, took place at the headquarters of Cink Undertakes the demo day of XII Campus of Entrepreneurs of Madrid of SeedRocket [http://www.seedrocket.com], which has had the collaboration of Madrid Emprende.
The Demo Day started with the intervention of the director of Madrid Emprende, Pedro Gonzalez Torroba, who told the participants of the Entrepreneurs Campus that "Madrid Emprende services are available to all of you, not just those of you who are from Madrid". Pedro González added that "we want to help create an entrepreneurial ecosystem and support those who help create it."
The finalist startups have been advised by successful entrepreneurs and experts for four days, in which they have been working on their business ideas, to expose them to investors and venture capital funds.
The mentors of this XII edition have been Francois Derbaix (founder of toprural,soysuper.com), Inaki Arrola (founder of cars.comvitamin k), David Thomas(founder of cyberclick), Martha Esteve (founder of Rentalia), Albert Knapp (founder of cocktail), Iago Arbeloto (founder of Sync), Angel Maria Herrera (founder ofbubok), Mark Alves (founder of Fork), Mark Fodor (President of Kantox, co-founder of catch it).
Among the twelve finalist projects, the winners have been:

  1. lord wilmore [http://lordwilmore.es]: The only Spanish brand of prescription glasses with online distribution 100% that brings to your home the models you choose so you can try them on, without obligation.
  2.  entangled [http://endado.com]: Web platform that offers drivers cheap spare parts and trusted workshops.
  3. Shopping Leeks [http://www.shoppingleeks.com/es]: App for managing orders between hoteliers and suppliers.

 The winning projects will negotiate in the coming weeks with the mentors, who could invest up to €150,000 in these projects.