Entrepreneurs Award 2024

Entrepreneurs Award 2024

The main objective of this award is to contribute to the recognition of original, creative and innovative projects led by women, in order to promote and promote female entrepreneurship. In addition, it seeks to promote job creation and increase economic activity in the city of Madrid. This award also aims to contribute to reducing the existing gender gap in the business field, providing visibility and support to women entrepreneurs.

The 2024 Entrepreneur Award is one of the Madrid City Council's lines of recognition for the work of women entrepreneurs and is sponsored by Womenalia, the Spanish Association of Business Women of Madrid (ASEME), the King Juan Carlos University (URJC), wave madridPwC SpainIBM and Crisalion Mobility.

All sponsors are part of the jury, know the composition of the jury of the Entrepreneurs Award 2024. (Decree of March 19, 2024 of the Delegate of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council). 

Gala de entrega del Premio Emprendedoras 2024 el 17 de septiembre

en el Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque.


Si no puedes asistir presencialmente, sigue la gala en directo con this link.


En la gala se dará a conocer el fallo del jurado

Participation Requirements
They may participate Business (natural or legal persons) that meet the following requirements:
  • shall be SME.
  • Be constituted in one of the following legal forms:
    • Physical person: individual or self-employed entrepreneur, limited liability entrepreneur, communities of property and civil companies.
    • Legal person: public limited company, limited company, new company limited company, labor limited company, cooperatives and associations that carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.
  • Be participated in more than 50% by women. More than 50% of the company's shares or participations must be held by women.
  • Having started your business activity starting January 1, 2019. Applications from companies created prior to this date will be accepted, provided that they apply for the award with a new line of business and it is duly proven that it has been started between January 1, 2019 and the date of publication of the call. .
  • having issued billing for the business project submitted for the award, prior to the date of publication of the call.
  • Have a business project that is original, creative, disruptive and innovative, with or without a technological base, aimed at meeting needs in different areas: environment, health and well-being, gastronomy, education, commerce, fashion, finance, e-commerce, tourism, industry, infrastructure, logistics , energy or similar.
  • have a service or a product prototype tested in the market with already measured or measurable results.
prize endowment
The total endowment It amounts to 100,000 euros in different prizes: 
  • First prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2024”financially endowed with 20,000 euros.
  • Second prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2024”with a financial endowment of 15,000 euros.
  • Third prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2024”with a financial endowment of 10,000 euros.
  • will be granted 11 second prizes financially endowed with 5,000 euros each of them, in the following categories:
    • Young entrepreneur.
    • Madrid entrepreneur.
    • Entrepreneur of the entrepreneurship and innovation centers of the Madrid City Council.
    • Entrepreneur with the best elevator pitch.
    • Entrepreneur with the project with the greatest potential for growth and international projection.
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the technological field.
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the field of the so-called orange economy (cultural and creative industries).
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the field of health and well-being.
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the HORECA sector and Food Tech.
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the environmental field.
    • Entrepreneur with the best project in the STEM sector.
In addition, the winning companies will receive in kind different contributions from sponsors:
  • Womenalia: will provide the three main prizes and the eleven second prizes with an interview on Womenalia.com, writing and publishing an article within the Womenalia.com platform (with more than 300,000 registered users) and dissemination of the article and the interview on social networks.
  • Spanish Association of Business Women of Madrid (ASEME) will provide the three main prizes and the eleven second prizes with a free membership fee for one year and dissemination in said association.
  • King Juan Carlos University (URJC) will provide the three main prizes with a mentoring program.
  • wave madrid: will provide the three main prizes with a radio interview and dissemination through the Telemadrid website and its social networks.
  • PwC Spain: will provide the first “Entrepreneur of the Year 2024” prize with eight weeks of mentoring related to the key aspects for the growth of the winning company developed by professionals from PwC's High Growth Companies area.
  • IBM: will provide the three main “Entrepreneur of the Year 2024” awards with access to the “Startup with IBM” program with IBM Cloud credits for more than 100 services for 12 months with expert coaching sessions.
  • Crisalion Mobility: will provide the first prize “Entrepreneur of the Year 2024” with 10 hours of mentoring by its steering committee.
Valuation criteria

The applications presented will be valued with a maximum of 20 points according to the criteria established below:

  • Originality and creativity of the business project (3 points).
  • Disruptivity and innovation (3 points).
  • Technical and economic viability (3 points).
  • Importance of the need it covers (3 points).
  • Income and billing plan (3 points).
  • Possibilities of scaling in the short and medium term (3 points).
  • Because they are projects belonging to sectors traditionally reserved for men (2 points).
Presentation of applications
Applications must be submitted, together with the executive summary, to the Madrid City Council Registry:
Legal entities are required to submit the application by electronic means.
  • in person, in the registry offices of the Madrid City Council. They may also be presented through the other forms provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
The deadline for submitting applications will end on April 3 at 11:59 p.m.
Features of the executive summary

When submitting the application, you must attach an executive summary of the business plan, between 4 and 5 pages long and written in Spanish.

This summary will serve the jury to select the 50 companies that will go to the second phase, therefore, must collect compulsorily information about The next points:

    • Sector of activity of the project.
    • Description of the business activity.
    • In the case of legal entities, communities of property and civil societies, indicate the number of partners, whether they are men or women and the percentage of participation of each of them (essential to verify compliance with section 5.3).
    • Start date of activity or new line of business, as appropriate in each case.
    • Schedule that reflects the evolution of billing, indicating the billing start date and the amounts billed from said date to the date of publication of the call. The billing must refer, exclusively, to the project that is submitted for the award.
    • Reflect the aspects of the business activity that show that the evaluation criteria of the candidacies established in section 11 are met.
    • Action plan: a schedule and description of the activities to be carried out in each of the stages scheduled for the execution of the project will be included, indicating, where appropriate, the stage in which it is at the time of participation in this announcement.

Images and supporting graphics may be presented, but always without exceeding the limit of 5 pages.

The professional profile of the promoters can be included, but without providing their personal data.


Prize Phases:

First phase: presentation and selection of applications

Companies interested in participating must fill out the corresponding application, which can be downloaded at Electronic headquarters of the Madrid City Council:  Application for participation in the 2024 Entrepreneurs Award  and present it in the Registry of the Madrid City Council. We remind you that legal entities are required to submit the application by electronic means.

During the application process you must  attach an executive summary of the business plan, with the characteristics detailed in the participation bases.

At the end of the application submission period, they will be analyzed and, based on the criteria established in the bases, the 50 companies that will move on to the next phase will be selected.

Published on listado definitivo de candidaturas admitidas y excluidas

Published on list of the 50 selected candidates

Second phase: presentation of candidates to the jury on June 26 and 27

Los días 26 y 27 junio, las 50 empresas finalistas realizaron una breve presentación (elevator pitch) ante el jurado, de 5 minutos máximo de duración. Esta presentación no fue pública, sino individual por candidaturas.

El jurado pudo realizar preguntas a la finalización de la presentación con el fin de aclarar las dudas que pudieron surgir.

Posteriormente, el jurado, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de valoración y la exposición realizada, nominó a 3 empresas para optar a los 3 premios “Emprendedora del año 2024” y a 3 empresas para cada uno de los 11 accésits. Las nominaciones se darán a conocer en la gala de entrega del Premio.

Así ha sido el elevator pitch del Premio Emprendedoras 2024

Third phase: Award ceremony on September 17

On September 17, the 2024 Entrepreneur Award ceremony will take place, a public event attended byThe 50 selected companies will be heard and the jury's decision will be announced. 

Se nombrarán las empresas ganadoras del primero, segundo y tercer premio “Emprendedora del año 2024”, y las empresas finalistas y ganadora de cada uno de los 11 accésits.

Check the Complete bases of the call.

If you have any questions, send us an email to premioemprendimiento@madrid.es and we will answer you as soon as possible. 


Winners of previous editions

1st edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2011 (PPT) the winner was Pepita Marin, with We Are Knitters

2nd edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2012 (PPT) the winner was Blanca Rábena with Titanite

third edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2013 (PPT) the winner was Marta Fernández, with Pilow Bra.

here the News of the award ceremony

4th edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2014 (PPT), the winner was Lola Rúa with her company mayfly.

here the News of the award ceremony

fifth edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2015 (PDF). The winners were:

TALENT TANK on the General Category

MARTINYCA on the Category Fashion and Beauty

here the News of the award ceremony.

sixth edition

Entrepreneurs Award 2016. The winners were:

Arity and Madrid drive-in cinema, in the category entrepreneurial idea

Chargy Technologies, in the category Entrepreneur

here the News of the award ceremony.

7th edition

Entrepreneurs Award. Here you can see the video of the demo day and awards ceremony

in category Entrepreneurial Idea Award 2017 the first prize it was for Marina Rincon and Fanny Basanta, with their SILMA project; the second prize for Paula Bañuelos, with her project brave up

In the category Company Award 2017 the first prize it was for Skansense SLU led by Cristina Porcel Magnusson and the second prize for biohope, promoted by Isabel Portero Sánchez.

8th edition

FRAME and DSIGÑ CLOUD win the 2018 Entrepreneurs Award
Here you have the Complete video of the delivery of the VIII edition of the Entrepreneurs Award

ninth edition

Eurizon, winner of the Entrepreneurs Award 2019

First prize: EURIZON SL


Second prize: R+DB ACOUSTIC

here you can the Complete video of the delivery of the Entrepreneurs Award 2019

10th edition

SATURNO LABS, LETMEPARK SLU and LOOKREANDO, winners of the 2020 Entrepreneurs Award

Company Award 2020:

First prize: SATURN LABS

Second prize: LETMEPARK SLU

University Entrepreneur Award 2020: LOOKREADING

To see again the Demo Day  of the projects presented and the ceremony of awards

eleventh edition

First prize:  SPIKA TECH SL

Second prize: USYNCRO


More information about the Demo Day and award ceremony Spika Tech SL, Usyncro and Grupo Cybentia Eurocybcar, winners of the 2021 Entrepreneurs Award

twelfth edition


Award Finalists: UPPEREAT  and  AITACA

The 15 second prizes:

consult the complete news

XIII edition
  • First prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2023”: THE SPEAK APP
  • Second prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2023”: LEEMONS
  • Third prize “Entrepreneur of the year 2023”: UPSAN


The 11 second prizes:

  • Second prize for the youngest entrepreneur: MIA BAKER
  • Second prize for the Madrid entrepreneur: BOOKS
  • Access to the entrepreneur from the innovation and/or entrepreneurship centers of the General Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: EIRA FOODS
  • Accesit to the entrepreneur with the best elevator pitchVIOLET PORTÉ MVP
  • Accesit to the entrepreneur with the project with the greatest potential for growth and international projection: TUCOMEX
  • Second prize for the entrepreneur with the best project in the technological field: SPIQUER
  • Second prize for the entrepreneur with the best project in the field of the orange economy: ESPINAS EDITORIAL
  • Second prize for the entrepreneur with the best project in the field of health and well-being: PERIOD
  • Accesit to the entrepreneur with the best project in the sector Food TechPROTIBERIA
  • Second prize for the entrepreneur with the best project in the HORECA sector: SYLOCOMO
  • Second prize for the entrepreneur with the best project in the STEM sector: CREATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS, ANIMATION, VIDEO SCIENCE

consult the complete news

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